Blackjack is a pretty easy game to learn, but you can increase your chances of winning if you make use of some simple blackjack strategies. Below you will be able to learn all about some simple strategies that will give you a lot more joy when you are playing this popular table game.

How Does the Basic Blackjack Strategy Work?

This strategy reveals the best way to play each hand that are dealt. If you can master the basic blackjack strategy, then you will be able to take your blackjack game to the next level. We will now give an example as to why it is advantageous to learn this strategy. Let us say that Adam and John love to play blackjack and both will play 5,000 hands each year, for the next half a century. They will place an average bet of $10. Over the specified time period, they will stake $2.5 million. Adam does not use the basic blackjack strategy, so he will say goodbye to $50,000 while playing blackjack.

John, on the other hand, decided to make use of the basic blackjack strategy. Whenever he wasn’t sure about how to play a particular hand, he would resort to the basic strategy guide for some help. By using this strategy, he will lose just $10,000 while playing blackjack over 50 years, which means he will be $40,000 better off than Adam.

If we told you that we are going to give you $40,000 to learn this strategy, we are sure you would. Taking the time to learn it will give you plenty of value if you are a regular blackjack player. You can read more about blackjack by visiting this site:

The Basic Blackjack Strategy Table

Below you can see the table that you need to learn in order to use this strategy.  

The left column of the table is your hand, while the banker’s hand can be found at the top of the table. All you need to do is line up your hand with the banker’s hand and do what the table suggests. Follow this link if you want to learn more about blackjack basic strategy.

Surrender Blackjack Strategy

In blackjack you have the option of surrendering, but this is a misunderstood option as the word surrender has negative connotations surrounding it. However, surrendering your hand is often a better option than hitting or standing. It can be a great strategy to use if you learn how to use it properly. Surrendering in blackjack works as follows: if you do not think you have a good hand, but you think the banker does, you have the option of surrendering half your wager.

Early or Late Surrender

In blackjack there is the option of an early surrender or a late surrender.

With the early surrender option, you can surrender half of your stake before the dealer has checked to see if their hand is a blackjack. As this option can decrease the house edge by as much as 0.63%, many online casinos do not have an early surrender as an option. If you want to find site that offer this option, you can take a look at the list of casino proposed by this site:

With the late surrender option, you are only allowed to surrender half your stake once the dealer has checked to see if their hand is a blackjack. If they do, then you will lose all of your wager. This option lowers the houses odds by around 0.1%, so more online casinos are happy to offer it.

The Surrender Strategy Blackjack Table

When it comes to surrendering, you should memorise the table below. Just like with the above table, you simply have to match your hand with what the banker has and then do what the table suggests.